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A member registered Jan 25, 2024

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Let me quote some dumbass named 'Merlin:' "As much as I wanted to laugh at you're post, you are right.  Games have the opportunity to teach the gamers a healthier way to live." D'oh!

YOU are the one that said Johnny was right for wanting games to teach people a healthier lifestyle.

Furthermore, that you are a Patreon simp for 25 games PROVES that you haven't got the sense that God gave to a rock.

(1 edit)

Yes. Pizza, cookies, and soda. What an unrealistic combination of foods.

Apparently both you AND your partner are retarded. May God help those little idiots that you claim to have sired. Their ONLY chance is that your partner has been cucking you with Neil DeGrasse-Tyson!

I'm a MAN, I can't even possibly get pregnant. But those items would be an acceptable Saturday night dinner/dessert combination.

(2 edits)

Oh my, it was said on the internet, so it MUST be true! It's a good thing that there is no way to post false information in one of these forums. LMAO

If you were actually married with 3 kids, you would KNOW that getting between a pregnant woman and her cravings is the quickest way to divorce court, or maybe the morgue.

Hell, if you had an IQ even into the low double digits, you would know that video games are meant to be light hearted entertainment, NOT vehicles for social conditioning.

I truly hope that you are lying about having kids. Otherwise, with you guiding their development, they will grow up too stupid to remember to breathe.

This game is WAY too short. It's more like a proof of concept than a complete story.

It's common across the Middle East, western Asia, and Africa for debts to be inherited. It actually forms a legal slavery system in many developing countries.

What a great little game that is.

Most likely not ever.

Well, at least I'm not the only respondent that isn't a virgin.

Why can't pregnant women have pizza, cookies, and soda?

What kind of idiot thinks that the food depicted in a video game (especially porn) is an educational guide?

What kind of moron thinks that pregnant women should be kept on a strict diet with no tasty junk food.

The good news for you, Johnny, is that you'll die a virgin. Otherwise, you would be bankrupted simply due to the number of divorces in your future.

(2 edits) want games to teach you a healthier way to live. I guess that you would like porn games to force monogamy onto the MC. In fact NO SEXUAL SITUATIONS until both the MC and the LI have been to the doctor and received a thorough and complete physical and STD tests. Have the MC in bed every night at 8:30pm sharp. No alcohol or drugs. Use condoms and/or birth control pills. Make sure that their diet is nutritionally sound, with no more than 1800 calories per day. They should work out at the gym regularly. Ride a bicycle everywhere. And they should probably also grow their own vegetables in order to guarantee that the "organic" produce that they eat is actually organic.

That sounds super fun and exciting! Dumbass.

How about teaching people to enjoy their lives, and NOT being a preachy little bitch? That seems like the ideal way to make a game, a book, a movie, an internet post, or pretty much anything.

How close to completion? Not anywhere close! The game is still introducing characters when it finishes the current content.

It sucks, because this was a good game. But it's probably dead. I guess the dev promised to come back when he no longer feels burned out, but there is no guarantee that will ever happen.

Says the boy looking for futa content.

You haven't even played the game, and are whining about what's there. How pathetic is that?

If you don't want to see the content in the game, then you don't actually want to play the game.

It's totally unreasonable to expect the dev to custom make HIS game for YOUR tastes.

Make your own game.

The dude that wrote that post is wrong. There is one clear rape scene in the first hour, and the MC can't stop it. It would end the story one way or another.

The other 2 "rapes" that he is talking about the woman is blackmailed into submitting herself for the sake of her family. She doesn't like it, but she consents. They are not rape.

Otherwise it is HUGE NTR. This game seems to be less of a sci-fi fantasy, and more of a submissive cuck story. Maybe that changes later, but I'm not super into beta pussy MC's so I'm out.

The file on the MC's wife says another man fathered the girls. THEY...ARE...NOT...HIS...CHILDREN!!! It has nothing to do with taking the pill, or losing his memories.

man, I made it almost 5 minutes. Read my way through the intro, went to save, and a mandatory save naming prompt appeared.

See, I'm chilling in my living room, and the keyboard is not even close to me. If, every time I want to save, I have to get up, walk across the room, and hit 'esc,' that's just too much effort required on my part.

Who says teenagers are underage? The age of consent in the U.S. is a state issue. And across America that age ranges from 14-21. (And in Colorado, it can go as low as 12, as long as the person can get parental approval for marriage)  Depending on where someone lives, they might have been talking about completely consensual and LEGAL experiences.

Furthermore, why is the world obligated to make rules simply to make you feel safe and happy? If you don't like a conversation, LEAVE the conversation. I hate to break the bad news to you, but you are NOT the center of the Universe.

If you need a safe space, your mommy's basement is where you should hang out. But if you are going to hang out in the real world, even digitally, you should get some thicker skin, educate yourself on the actual laws of the land, and expect to hear sounds (or read words) that don't conform to your own world views.

That doesn't really answer whether or not S2 also includes S1, or if they are separate charges.

$45 USD to buy V0.06, AND you beg for Patreon money?!?

Tell me, does each key come with a 14 year old Thai school girl to suck my dick while I play?

Man, I wish that I liked this game. It's obvious that the dev puts a TON of work into making it. But 90% of it is just wasted. It ends up being one ridiculously stupid anime style joke after ridiculously stupid anime style joke after ridiculously stupid anime style joke.

I downloaded it because a few of the comments were like, "what a great story." To which I say, "WHAT STORY?" There is like 6-10 times in the entire game where a plot THREATENS to develop, but then is cut off by a ridiculously stupid anime style joke.

Seriously, here is the plot synopsis for what I have read:

  1. The multiverse is real
  2. The MC is dragged from one reality into another
  3. Some dude wants to help him learn to control his magic
  4. The MC pissed some chick off

And that is it. The end. Not the end of the content. But the end of the plot. EVERYTHING else is just a ridiculously stupid anime style joke.

At the very beginning, the dev points out that there are times where you can't spam click through the text boxes/animations. So that the audio can stay synced. And those times DO exist. It happens with every single ridiculously stupid anime style joke. Which is roughly every 1.2 nanoseconds.

Even when it looks like the MC is headed towards a sex scene, it almost always just ends in a ridiculously stupid anime style joke. Most porn games start with the obligatory handjob, move on to the obligatory blowjob, head for the obligatory titjob, go through the optional cunnilingus scene, and then head for the obligatory sex scene.

This game makes it as far as the obligatory blowjob before the dev loses his copy of the Kama Sutra and just hits the "rinse and repeat" button.

And what's up with the master/slave dynamic in this game? The MC tells his slave that he wants her to stop calling him "master," that she should be her own person, making her own choices. And then immediately orders her to suck his dick.

Well, which is it? Is she his equal, or his slave? Are we supposed to be romantically inclined towards her, or is she just our toy? Pick a fucking lane yo!

I don't care if you hang her upside down from the ceiling and beat her with a bat before fucking her face until she pukes. It's not like any sluts are actually getting hurt. (Not that I would care if they were) But keep a flow going man. That is INTEGRAL to storytelling.

So that's this game in a nutshell. A ton of work, with no measurable results. It's like if the US Congress had a love child with India based customer support.

Looking at all those versions of the game. You must be Ubisoft's biggest fanboy ever!!!

I absolutely did NOT expect violence. I was mocking his overly sensitive reaction to a girl pushing a guy's boundaries and/or buttons.

I'm an old man. I'm well aware that "no" doesn't necessarily mean no. Especially when it comes to two people that have a long standing relationship. I look forward to seeing what you've created.

You need 100% FEWER Twitch THOTs in your life. Those THOTs and their militant lesbian friends have lied to you. They have an agenda to push, and can't let stupid shit like facts get in the way!

Just because someone doesn't get a clear written "yes" before every action taken does NOT equal rape and/or abuse.

Furthermore, you say that taboo is OK, but criminal behavior is not. Spoiler alert: TABOO IS ILLEGAL! Even if completely consensual, practitioners of incest can be charged with the CRIME of incest. D'oh!

So, while you say, "I don't want criminal behavior represented in a game;" what you really mean is, "please only show me the criminal behavior that I like and accept." (That hurts your credibility more than a little.)

Finally, thanks for convincing me to download this game. I'm totally cool with rape, the more aggressive and (fingers crossed) violent the better. Thanks to you, this game went from "meh, probably not" all the way to "fuck, I can't miss this!"

I'm sorry that your family is ugly.

Has it been two months yet?

LMAO...It only took you 7 months to reply to their praise. Then, that december update wasn't even very substantial.

Let me guess though. There's a Patreon page where people can subsidize your life while you DON'T make any progress on your game. Am I right?

Dead game? It hasn't gotten an update in nearly a year.

Well, the first 30 minutes were interesting. Then the long winded diatribes started. Shortly thereafter the MC became a preachy Twitch THOT. Then he became a beta bitch, and I just lost all interest in reading another word of this drivel.

I simply will never understand why so many porn games are written around a script where the fate of the universe hangs on the MC's dick. I guess that it's a power fantasy for the incels that will support the Patreon page. Or maybe it's just so that the dev can waste time while pushing out 200 seasons worth of content and never wrapping up a single plot line.

There's a reason that (even during the days of the big budget feature films) porn scripts have NEVER been stuffed full of Michael Bey or Quentin Tarantino's bullshit.

Porn is supposed to be a fun time, not a tedious grind.

Jesus Christ. A fucking porn game where ANY interest in the girl is played off as an attempted rape.

You should make a 'Stardew Valley' kind of game, because you are way too big of a pussy to make one about sex.

(1 edit)

Yet we're supposed to believe that any dude that puts on a dress was born a woman?

NTR isn't just about being cucked. A developer could make a game where the MC does the cucking. The only reason that it doesn't end up that way is that most porn game devs are beta simp incels that have never been in the same room as a naked woman. How can they possibly write a story about an alpha male dominating women and breaking beta men's minds?

Besides, if it weren't for cucks EVERY Twitch THOT on the planet would go broke tomorrow. And then how would the militant lesbians push their agenda? And HOW would Patreons spend their time in between porn game updates?

Quit being a fucking pussy you little bitch!

There is a difference between a passion project and a Patreon scam.

Just exactly how many times were you dropped on your head as an infant?

I've said it before, and I will say it here.

Patreon is to porn games what pre-orders are to AAA games. They both incentivize developers to put in less work as the sales increase.

If Patreon gave a damn about its own customers, they would force the devs to provide a timeline; i.e., "I will complete 'chapter 8' by August 15." Then, during that time, the promised money would be collected and held in escrow.

That way, if the dev misses their promised date, the Patreons could just demand their money back. And even if the dev meets the mark, they Patreons should be given the option to vote on whether or not the promised goals were met, and whether or not the dev should get the money, or the Patreons should get a refund.

That would end most of the drama immediately.

The only downside to it is that 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999% of all Patreons are sniveling simp fanboys that will upvote ANYTHING as soon as a cartoon nipple is exposed.

This game bores the absolute shit out of me.

You have a whiney beta bitch as the MC. He's afraid of his own dick. Terrified of speaking to girls. And seems to be mentally retarded as well.

The fight system is another fucking "X-COM" system where there is an 85% chance to miss every single attack. For that reason, I can't ever have enough energy or health to train or fight. I have to rest at every opportunity.

The script itself is ridiculously stupid anime bullshit. It's absolutely on rails, there is no "go there, visit them" mechanic with the girls. All of that will unfold as it does per the writer's whims. That would be fine, except the writer isn't really good at making characters interesting or well developed.

The only interest that they hold is as a fuck toy, and the writer makes sure that you will put in Ubisoft's standard grind before ANY sex happens.

Mediocre writing, poorly balanced combat, and uninspiring girls combine to make this a miss for all but the most hardcore Anime fans in existence. 

Actually, that was helpful. I really do like your game, and think that you could have one of the porn gems in the making. For the most part, the writing is really solid, and I like the various quest/time lines. The different personalities of the girls, the fact that the MC isn't just a simp, there is humor and sadness. It creates a (somewhat) believable world that feels more than just an empty porn set. Also, THANK GOD that it's not just another generic "you are a college freshman" game.

I'll be honest here. I looked at the map on day 1 in the house, and never opened it again. I probably should have, but I assumed that it was just a slightly less cumbersome fast travel system.

As for the money trouble, might I suggest either letting the wardrobe have you find a wallet with $25-50 in it if you want to keep the RNG system in place, or if you would like to drop that, just let the wardrobe allow you to find a wallet with a credit card in it, and all of the money troubles are over once and for all.

This is a really interesting game. But there ARE issues.

First of all, Naomi's nipples...You have like 4 colors on her models, and only one is appropriate. How in the hell did that carribean woman end up with nipples as pink as a 12 year old white virgin? I would donate heavily to this game if you can explain that in a way that is even remotely possible from a biological perspective.

Second, it just gets tedious having to wander around the house looking for which day of the week what girl will be doing things in whatever location at which time is necessary to advance their story. Most games of this convoluted style give the hint as to what day and/or time this can be completed.

Finally, by the time it becomes apparent that I am supposed to be rummaging for money, it just turns into a nightmare. I have done it now like 12 times and have $13. All because it is RNG as to whether it is a wasted time block, or actual cash found. And then, if it is cash found, it is some ridiculously tiny amount. How many times am I going to have to endure this in order to get the money for Rae's outfit? This is absolutely RETARDED!!! Do you work for Ubisoft? Where is the microtransaction store that will just sell me $500 in game cash for $5 real world money? That is the ONLY way that this idiotic system makes ANY sense at all.

What is a fun game is hamstrung by poor design decisions. Those three items are not the end of the list, but they are the most crippling. With two of them sucking every bit of fun out of the game like you stuck a black hole in the middle of it.

HAHAHA! This story is juvenile trash that should embarrass a dim witted 12 year old.

It's clear that the writer has never been closer to a woman than 'PornHub,' and learned the rules of consent from Twitch THOTs and militant lesbians.

Luckily for the writer, most people fully immersed in 21st century culture end up functionally retarded, and won't even notice.

So...enjoy your "A-grade" trash, I guess.

I did read it (at least into Episode 4 before giving up) and it absolutely DOES suck.

The MC spends all of his time thinking perverted thoughts, and then when faced with the option to act on them, he speaks like a prude, acts shy, and tries to c*ckblock himself.

You spend hours "corrupting" the girls, and then get told, "Slow down, let's re-evaluate what we're doing."

Because of the endless "points checks" you are forced to either miss scenes, or back up ad try again. If you DO back up, there is no skip button, so you have to spam the mouse to get back to where you were. And then the "scene" is just a couple of poses, or the MC jerking off.

The dev is OBSESSED with asses, and that's fine, but some angles of the girls where more than their backs are shown would be appreciated.

This game is a great study in how NOT to design a game.

Who is Cillian Murphy, and why should that be disturbing?

Dude, what is your obsession with making "choices" that are just ONE option? More work for you, and aggravating for me.

Also, where in the hell is the "skip" button? You make a game with branching paths, an utterly ridiculous number of points checks, and NO WAY to skip re-reading all of that pathetic, juvenile dialogue. Or are you under the impression that the writing is strong enough that people will want to re-read it a dozen times? Or maybe you are just trying to give people Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by forcing them to click the mouse a couple of trillion times.

Great design decisions, I say sarcastically. I made it all the way to 'Episode 4' before I quit trying to find out if this whiny little MC would finally grow a pair.

Hmmm...It sucks that the dev has moved on to other projects rather than finishing this. Everything that can be found says that it is a quality game/story.

On a completely related note, it's things like this that prevent me from supporting ANY developer on Patreon or other such services. There's no guarantee that your financial (or emotional) investment will ever pay off.